‹ Thursday, June 29, 2023 › | |
›9:00 (1h35)
9:00 - 10:35 (1h35)
C2 - Synergies with complementary science
Daniel Reese (chair)
› Bridging PLATO's Core and Complementary Stellar Science
- Konstanze Zwintz (Review)
09:00-09:35 (35min)
› Non-perturbative static 3D modelling of close binaries and its impact on the observations of low-mass and RGB binaries
- Loïc Fellay
09:35-09:55 (20min)
› Rotation and activity of red giants in binary versus single stars
- Charlotte Géhan
09:55-10:15 (20min)
› Gravito-inertial modes at the surface of fast rotating stars
- Michel Rieutord
10:15-10:35 (20min)
›10:35 (30min)
10:35 - 11:05 (30min)
Coffee break
›11:05 (2h)
11:05 - 13:05 (2h)
D1 - Advances in stellar physics: Chemical composition and opacities
Aldo Serenelli (chair)
› The chemical make-up of the solar photosphere
- Carlos Allende Prieto (Review)
11:05-11:40 (35min)
› Recent determination of solar abundances
- Maria Bergemann (Invited)
11:40-12:05 (25min)
› Laboratory Opacity Measurements for Stellar Interiors
- Guillaume Loisel (Review)
12:05-12:40 (35min)
› Opacities: recent theoretical developements
- Franck Delahaye (Invited)
12:40-13:05 (25min)
›13:05 (1h30)
13:05 - 14:35 (1h30)
›14:35 (1h10)
14:35 - 15:45 (1h10)
D2 - Advances in stellar physics: dynamical processes in stellar interiors
Kevin Belkacem (chair)
› Turbulent transport in radiative zones : recent theoretical and numerical developments
- François Lignières (Invited)
14:35-15:00 (25min)
› Spin down by dynamo action in simulated radiative stellar layers
- Ludovic Petitdemange (Invited)
15:00-15:25 (25min)
› Numerical simulations of the Tayler-Spruit dynamo
- Raphaël Raynaud
15:25-15:45 (20min)
›15:45 (30min)
15:45 - 16:15 (30min)
Coffee break
›16:15 (1h05)
16:15 - 17:20 (1h05)
D2 - Advances in stellar physics: dynamical processes in stellar interiors
Matteo Cantiello (chair)
› The action of waves in stellar interiors: transporting angular momentum and chemicals and providing key informations
- Stéphane Mathis (Invited)
16:15-16:40 (25min)
› Gravity waves in the magnetised radiative core of low-mass stars: consequences for asteroseismology and transport of angular momentum
- Louis Amard
16:40-17:00 (20min)
› Exploring surface abundance of lithium from Main-Sequence to Red giant phase with the constraint of angular momentum transport
- Thibaut Dumont
17:00-17:20 (20min)
›17:20 (15min)
17:20 - 17:35 (15min)
E - More about the PLATO mission
› PLATO Science Calibration and Validation Input Catalog
- Patrick Gaulme
17:20-17:35 (15min)
›17:35 (1h25)
17:35 - 19:00 (1h25)
Poster session
Discussion in front of posters
Session | Speech | Logistics | Break | Tour |