26-30 Jun 2023 Milazzo (Italy)

Abstracts > sorted by Authors > Brown David

PLATO Science Calibration and Validation Input Catalog
Patrick Gaulme  1@  , David Brown  2  , Juan Cabrera@
1 : Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research
2 : University of Warwick

The science calibration and validation catalog of the PLATO mission (scvPIC) is one of the four components of the PLATO input catalog (PIC). The general idea of the scvPIC is to support the success of the PLATO mission by ensuring that crucial targets will be observed by the mission independently of the prime sample or guest-observer programs. Its scientific objectives and technical requirements are still in progress. Typically, science calibration stars allow for the discovery and inclusion of new input physics in stellar models, whereas validation stars serve to get optimal values of free parameters for chosen input physics. Currently, the expected catalog includes: red giants and gamma Doradus oscillators, known exoplanets or detached eclipsing binaries, Ap/Bp stars, Kepler/TESS legacy stars, and stars with known radii from interferometry. The goal of this presentation is to discuss the content of the scvPIC before the requirements are finalized, and discuss open issues.

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