26-30 Jun 2023 Milazzo (Italy)


Milazzo (Messina, Italy)

The workshop will take place at the Eolian Milazzo Hotel in Milazzo (Messina, Italy).


Milazzo is a small, but extremely pleasant town located on the east cost of Sicily.
It host the most important harbour for the connection with Aeolian Islands.

Some information about Milazzo and its surroundings can be found at the following link: https://www.eolianmilazzohotel.it/itineraries/

The nearest airports are located in

Fontanarossa Catania Airport has a good international flight connectivity via Rome - Fiumicino airport and Milano - Malpensa airport.

We strongly recommend the use of the Catania airport, since the LOC will arrange a pick-up service from Catania airport to Eolian Milazzo Hotel and viceversa. More details about this service will be provided in the next times. In any case, please account that this pick-up service will be organised for the following dates:

  • from Catania airport to Milazzo the 25th of June
  • from Milazzo to Catania airport the 30th of June and the 1st of July.

Depending on the expected arrival/departure time of the participants we will try to organize at the best this service in order to minimise as much as possible the waiting time at the airport. For such a reason we kindly request the participants to inform the LOC about the expected timetable (and flight number) for their arrival/departure to/from Catania airport as soon as possible (and no latter than May 20) by sending an e-mail to santi DOT cassisi AT inaf DOT it.

News about the shuttle service

We have arranged a shuttle to reach the venue from the airport before the meeting, and leave the venue to the airport at the end of the meeting. If you requested such service on time, and if we could satisfy your request, you should have received an email indicating which shuttle you are entitled to take (check your spam folder please). If not, please send an e-mail to santi DOT cassisi AT inaf DOT it as soon as possible.

Note that the buses have a limited number of seats, therefore you will not be able to take a different bus than indicated in the email.

For those who are taking the bus shuttle from the airport to Milazzo, a member of the LOC will be waiting for you in front of the arrival gate about 45 minutes before the bus departure, holding a sign with the inscription 'PLATO Stellar Science 2023'.

The buses will stop at the Eolian Hotel. The participants that have booked their room using the procedure indicated in the conference web page (i.e. via Eolian Hotel) but do not stay in the Eolian Hotel will be accompanied with minivans at their hotels (all the selected hotels are within few minutes from the Eolian Hotel). The participants which have booked their accomodation by not using this procedure can ask the bus driver to make a stop at Fontana Cartesio,  it is located along the seafront, in the center of Milazzo.

The buses from Milazzo to Catania Airport leaving the 30th of June and the 1st of July will leave from the Eolian Hotel (No additional stops will be made).

Public Transport

There will be no cost for the shuttle service for participants. However, we note that no assistance will be provided to those participants that will prefer to reach Milazzo using their own travel plan, as well as for those that will not be able to get the bus
of the workshop at the expected departure time.

We note that there is a public bus transportation (SAIS autolinee) from the Catania Airport to Messina and, then from Messina to Milazzo (it is necessary to change the bus in Messina). Information about this public bus service (from Catania airport to Messina and viceversa) can be found at the following link:


Please note that these buses stop at Messina railways station

The bus service from Messina railway station to Milazzo is operated by GIUNTABUS.

Information can be found at the following link:


Usually since the middle of April, a direct connection (no bus change required) is organized by GIUNTABUS company from Catania airport to Milazzo. So please check for this possibility when planning your own trip to Milazzo.

Once in Milazzo, the bus will stop in the harbour, although the harbour is at a walking distance from the Eolian Hotel (about 2.4 km - about 30 minutes walking), we suggest to take a taxi to reach the Workshop venue.


It costs 160EUR between Eolian Hotel and Catania Airport.


Capo Milazzo

Milazzo western beach


Milazzo 2

around Milazzo

sunset Milazzo

3D Tour of the Hotel


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